As a corporate member of Tiger Bay Club, your logo is on all correspondence to members and a database of almost 2,000 people in the Space Coast Political and Business community.
There are three levels of membership:
Congressional Sponsorship – $1,500 per year
Four permanent members; six guest passes per year; your organization’s logo on all correspondence; opportunity to be the corporate sponsor or co-sponsor of one meeting per year; and your organization’s logo on the Tiger Bay Club website.
Sign Up as a Congressional Sponsor
Cabinet Sponsorship – $2,500 per year
Six permanent members; nine guest passes per year; your organization’s logo on all correspondence; opportunity to be the corporate sponsor or co-sponsor of one meeting; and your organization’s logo on the Tiger Bay Club website.
Sign Up as a Cabinet Sponsor
Presidential Sponsorship – $5,000 per year
Ten permanent members; 12 guest passes per year; your organization’s logo on all correspondence; opportunity to be the corporate sponsor or co-sponsor of two meetings and your organization’s logo on the Tiger Bay Club Website. In addition, your organizations gets a reserved table for eight at each meeting.
Sign Up as a Presidential Sponsor